SEO is effective and important for securing a company’s profits and sales because consumers are looking for the products they will buy not by visiting stores but by searching through Google search engines. So when a company appears high in the results of a particular search by optimizing its eshop, it has a very high chance of increasing its traffic and the consumer to choose its products.
What is website optimization?
Website optimization is all the changes and improvements that are applied within the site / eshop of a company and relate to actions, technical corrections and improvements in the very structure of the web media, so that it is considered valid and quality by Google and appears in high positions in search results ensuring FREE visits
Ranking is done by search engines (programs) in a fully automated way and using algorithms
at the level of artificial intelligence.
1. Specialized programs (crawlers or spiders) visit and read the sites / eshop constantly.
2. Depending on how well it has optimized its website, with the content of the site and the keywords that have given weight to its content, the engine ranks the site / eshop in a corresponding category (indexing)
3. At the same time, Google analyzes many other quality factors of performance and operation of the site and gives a position, a rating.
4. When a user searches for products that appear on a company’s site, Google
checks the relevance of the search with the keywords of the specific site / eshop, “remembers” you, retrieves and suggests to the user in a position commensurate with the rating he has given.
What are the benefits of SEO?
It is the immediate increase in traffic and sales
because the higher a company appears in organic results (unpaid results):
• so FREE traffic receives,
• the more clicks (hits) it gets,
• the more sales it achieves,
since the first 3 displayed organic results receive 60% of the clicks of the visitors of the first page. !!!

What is the strategy for website optimization?
-Market Analysis, which includes an analysis of the competition and your page.
-Definition of key semantic keywords that function as signals according to the new Google Brain Rank criterion.
-Finding suitable and targeted Keywords for seo,
which are selectable:
• with the specific aspirations of your company,
• with the high ROI they may have,
• with words-opportunities that definitely exist.
-Gradual implementation of seo with changes and improvements at the level of on page seo, off page seo, technical seo and local seo.

Why is seo necessary for a business.
Because web SEO is the only online promotional tool whose benefits are unique, irreplaceable, long lasting and for sure. Website design in a company brings:
• increase loading speed
• Improvement in user experience (UI UX indicators)
• Permanently high ranking in organic results
• quality customers who are really interested in buying
• steady increase in sales, increase in conversion rate
• recognition and prestige in the company
• increases the return on investment in the long run, compound effect
• Minimize costs for google ad word advertising
• reduction of technical problems in the site / eshop
• increase the most effective form of advertising, word of mouth (WOM)
• economy, because it does not cost much and its benefits last for several years.
What SEO Services does Webed offer?
Generally speaking, some of the following changes apply.
A) Changes in on page seo
1. Improvements of all pages in code, product descriptions.
2.Improvement of metadata.
3. Improvement of H1, H2, H3.
4. Creating internal links.
5. Improving the user experience with easy search, easy selection, fast order completion.
6. Improving content with content writing for the blog
with original texts – trunks of 2000-3000 words that will contain the keywords and that will lead to a high ranking of your site
7. Content writing according to the type of content that your customers love the most, incorporates call to action and contains keywords.
B) Changes in off-page seo
Off-page seo mainly concerns the creation of reliable links from third pages to ours and is quite a difficult and long process.
So you need to start a process called link building.
We may ask third parties to link to our site / esgop but this does not mean that this link will automatically be rated high by Google.
To do this you must:
1. The site / eshop that will be connected with us to have the same or relevant content with our website (related website)
2. The text of the link, anchor text, on which the link rests should be with a keyword related to our content
3. The link comes from an old and trusted site
and in no case by buying and selling or other opaque means.
C) Technical SEO
With the technical seo we intervene in the very internal structure of the site / eshop.
1. Use of SSL, Secure Sockets Layers, security code
between the web server and the browser.
2. Speed increase
3. Check for duplicate content
4. Use of site map
5.Enable AMP, special code for fast content transfer to mobiles.
6. Use structural data, which is a special code that helps the search engine to better read the content of the website.
D) Local SEO
The seo at the local level concerns the correct completion of the google my bussiness page, with the provision of additional information such as photos, product descriptions, offers, special discounts for local customers, placement of all contact details on the site / eshop, placement of google map.
Why choose Webed to promote your web pages?
1. We bring measurements and long-term results
in web site promotion.
2. We work in coordinates on numbers, analyzes and with measurable and quantified goals.
3. We define the key performance indicators (key performance indicatos, KPI) for the webpage seo and we constantly watch how they improve.
4. We have specialized partners.
All work and improvements are performed in the company (in house) by experienced associates who have the necessary knowledge and accumulated experience.
5. Monitoring of technical and technological changes.
Seo, its rules, algorithms, is not something static, they change very often and require constant updating.
6. Use of special programs and technical tools for accuracy, perfection and accuracy in analysis and application.
7. Develop a strategy that suits your company, the needs and the budget that you have agreed.
Contact us for the most successful seo campaign you will ever have
1. Can I find the external links (back links) of my competitors?
Yes, you can, by using a special program, we do it for you.
2. Can I buy external links to get my site up in Google rankings?
This is unfortunately a move made by people who promise quick seo results to their clients and don’t know about seo strategies. It is a destructive technique, we NEVER recommend it, if you do it you will be found out and Google will penalize your site.
3. What is a Google penalty on a website?
Penalty by Google causes the company to lose many positions in the organic results ranking or even disappear. This is disastrous because it is not seen by customers and visitors and therefore does not sell. This happens when a company violates Google’s seo policy by using prohibited methods for website optimization (Black hat seo) or buying external links.
4. How long does it take for e-commerce seo results to manifest?
E-commerce seo is not a fast process. It takes some time to implement all the actions required for optimization and therefore time for the good results to manifest.
5. Why is my position in Google's organic results dropping?
If the drop is sudden, check if your site has been marked as unindexable (had noindex tags added) or if it has been hacked with malware.
In case the drop is somewhat gradual, then Google has updated the ranking algorithm, added or removed criteria and according to these new criteria, your rating is not very good and therefore other companies are taking your place. This is either because competitors <run> stronger seo campaigns than you, or because their websites are better developed technically than yours.
6. What are Google's ranking factors in organic search results?
It should be clear that Google itself has never officially published a list of criteria it takes into account to evaluate and rank a website.
Website promoters
have compiled a list of 200 criteria that they speculate are used in this process. Some such criteria are excellent content and mobile usability.Browsing experience and loading speed.Finally SEO optimization and internal and external links.
7. How much does seo cost for websites?
SEO for websites is not expensive and SEO prices are reasonable.
Website promotion is not an expense, a momentary expense, for the company. On the contrary, web seo should be considered as an investment, because the results in the increase of traffic and sales are not for a short period of time but manifest themselves for years and offer strong support to the future profitable course of a company.
At Webed, website seo is economical because it is very effective!
8. How do I find the keywords to target in Seo?
Keyword detection is one of the most essential and complex tasks that Webed does in the web seo services it offers, and it has its own stages and secrets. Some ways to find keywords to optimize in seo are to use specialized web optimization tools, and to use seo performance metrics.
Also, the analysis of each company’s goals and the study of the competition it faces are important ways of identifying the keywords it will target.