Website Maintenance

What is web maintenance?

Website maintenance refers to and includes all the necessary actions so that the website is and is kept functional and efficient, to be healthy (to follow the English terminology.)

Why website maintenance is necessary.

Website maintenance is necessary to ensure a safe website that is also functional, and relevant. Regular updates and security checks help protect against cyber threats, while fixing bugs and technical issues ensures smooth operation for users. Ongoing content updates and optimization keep the site engaging and aligned with current trends and user expectations.

Additionally, monitoring website performance and making necessary adjustments improves load times and overall user experience. Proper website maintenance is crucial for retaining visitors, maintaining credibility, and supporting the site’s goals and objectives.

Συντήρηση Ιστοσελίδας & Συντήρηση Eshop

1. We win the first good impression on the customer.

Our website’s modern and attractive overall look and design advanced design presentation is the number one reason a visitor will stay on our site.
Succeeding in the first step, we motivate and push the visitor and customer to go ahead in our electronic space, to be informed and to interact, a very positive fact and first profit.

2. We offer a good shopping experience.

A fast website with fresh content and easy to find is exactly what the visitor wants.

3. We achieve lasting security.

Fully maintained updated security software and recent ssl certification
• secures the website from malicious attacks
• builds confidence in visitors and customers to entrust you with personal, card and payment information

4. We maintain effective seo

Your site is not only visited by friends and customers, Google’s crawlers also visit it. These special programs
perceive changes and improvements
they read the fresh content
they understand that your software is up to date
evaluate the improvement in structure and function
they keep you in your old ranking position or move you up
resulting in more effective seo efforts, more traffic, more sales.

5. Maintaining and increasing reputation and trust

A returning visitor or old customer who sees the changes in content, loading, presence, realizes that you care and try to serve them, offer them the best shopping experience and support.
He rewards you with his trust, word of mouth advertising and purchases.

6. Economy

As in medicine, prevention is better than cure, just the same with websites.
Regular maintenance saves you from suddenly having accumulated problems that require much more time and money to fix.
It is much better to invest in the regular maintenance and good functioning of the website at a low cost and at the same time ensure an excellent level of operation and of course increased income.

Regular maintenance at low cost and your effort to keep the site properly maintained. ensures fresh and hot money in the business.

Carrying out regular checks and maintenance work

Carrying out regular checks and maintenance work in website maintenance is crucial for ensuring the site’s optimal performance, security, and user experience. This involves regularly updating software, plugins, and themes to protect against vulnerabilities, fixing bugs and technical issues to ensure smooth operation, and monitoring performance metrics to optimize load times.

When regularly checking and updating content you can keep the site relevant and engaging for visitors and of course it insures that you have a safe website. Consistent maintenance helps prevent potential problems, enhances security, and ensures the website remains reliable, user-friendly, and aligned with current web standards.

Έλεγχος Ασφάλειας Ιστοσελίδας

What is involved in website maintenance?

Website maintenance includes checks, upgrades, removals and changes to various components of the computer and its content.

General maintenance

domain renewal & hosting
web page loading speed check
update, upgrade and function check
of the entire computer workload
CMS platform upgrades and plugins renewal

Safety maintenance

regular backups of the website and restore to a previous functional version if necessary.
regular checks and scanning for viruses
control of contact forms.
check SSL certification, change passwords.


Check & update design, add display and advertising elements,

Refresh content

adding, removing and modifying the texts
addition or removal of website visual material,
modifying the target words

Digital advertising control.

Technical control of the operation of social networking pages
refresh the content
comment control
internet advertising performance checks and metrics.

How Webed supports you in the maintenance of your website.

As inspired and skilled computer program technicians we fully understand the importance and stability of maintaining your website.

1. We offer scheduled maintenance.
Maintenance work is carried out on a regular schedule, by qualified technicians who know your company’s operations and is efficient and economical. There are specific service packages depending mainly on the size of the website and its functions.

2.We can also provide maintenance services on a case-by-case basis when the need arises.

Come to discuss and decide together on the maintenance and renewal of your website.

1. How can I secure my website

You can have website security by using strong passwords, implementing SSL for data encryption, performing regular software updates, and installing anti-malware software. If anything is unclear, and for maximum security of your website and its data, trust Webed as your web hosting company and rest easy.

2. What should I do if something isn't working on my website?

If you’re experiencing issues, check the files and settings, try restarting the server, check your internet connection, and review the error logs for information. That is a part of website maintenance.

3. How can I back up my website?

By taking the appropriate steps, you can back up the code, database, and files, and then store them on an external storage device or secure cloud storage.

4. How can I improve my website's loading speed?

There are many factors that affect your website’s loading time. Some key ones include reducing image sizes and the number of HTTP requests, using compression and minification, enabling browser caching, and considering the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN). All that is handled and monitored by your website maintenance company.

5. What security risks should I be concerned about?

Security risks include hacking attacks such as malware, SQL injection, and DDoS, as well as issues with the confidentiality of user information.