Eight factors that create an eshop that sells

Eight factors that create an eshop that sells

Eight factors that create an eshop that sells

Congratulations on your absolutely right decision to have an eshop that sells!
We will show you and prove to you that you will definitely get a complete e-shop by applying the following factors, which we ourselves here at the advanced software company Webed use in the online stores we build on behalf of our clients, and which of course are eshops that they sell!

Attractive eshop look

The first impression counts because in e-commerce we buy with our eyes.! The attractive and inspiring look is the first thing a visitor will see when clicking to enter the online store. The creative look of the eshop that sells:

A. develops a strong visual impression on the user
B. facilitates the possibility of finding the information
C. increases the visitor’s feelings of familiarity
D. greatly contributes to the creation of a positive experience.

The attractive eshop appearance will the visitor’s eye, create trust and keep him inside the eshop he sells.!

Template selection

Choosing a functional template from the truly remarkable collection of WooCommerce which will be adapted to the eshop you will build is the first step in creating an unparalleled eshop appearance.
Template eshop is the structure, the way your content will be presented. During the design of the eshop, Webed’s web designer will suggest and help you so that the appearance is irresistible:

⦁ with your logo marking your presence,
⦁ choosing display in black mode,
⦁ with combined colors, which suit the audience, the company’s style and the logo and create a vivid contrast and evoke emotions,
⦁ with presentation slider,
⦁ using easy and clear menu,
⦁ posting photos that accurately represent your activity,
⦁ adopting inspired and modern font with readable letter size.

Loading speed.

In order for the visitor to stay inside your new online store and browse, the loading speed is required to be fast and meet the limits set by Google for a high ranking. Eshop users are now very familiar with technology and have high service demands. They are not going to stay inside an eshop that wants to sell for more than five seconds if they perceive that the page is slow to load! Creating an eshop in the most modern scientific terms and using best practices for customization, as we do at Webed, will give you a great quality advantage over your competitors right from the start.

Increased purchasing experience (user experience UX)

Enhanced shopping experience leading to conversions (purchases) is central to any commercial activity. A good shopping experience is not only formed by the aesthetic characteristics of an eshop that sells. On the contrary, it is a more complex idea and refers to the whole purchase process and the general impression and opinion that the user gets when visiting an online store. If this shopping experience acquired by the visitor is positive, then he turns into a buyer, sales from the eshop increase and we report that our eshop makes conversions, i.e. the visitor makes purchases.

There is no single recipe for creating a highly positive shopping experience for the visitor, because every eshop has its own presentation and promotion tools, and a good user function must be built on them. However, it is important that these characteristics support and express the following principles:

⦁ consistency in the appearance of the eshop,
⦁ simple navigation,
⦁ simple ordering procedures,
⦁ clear instructions to the customer,
⦁ no exaggerations in the design.

But how are these design principles transferred to the online store, so as to offer the user an enhanced shopping experience?
These design principles are translated into the application of the following points in the design and development of the profitable eshop.

The Twelve Points of Enhanced User Experience
Mobile first

Designed for mobile first.
ehop must be mobile first, designed for mobile use first. The terms responsive and mobile friendly no longer apply. The eshop that sells it is absolutely necessary to be designed first for mobile use, to give the user the maximum positive navigation experience. 80% of visitors come from a mobile device and 20% from other devices.

Easy navigation(Navigation)

To offer ease of navigation, i.e. for the user to easily find the categories, and to move from page to page seamlessly. Achieving an enhanced navigation experience requires:

⦁ functional menu and
⦁ correct activity categorization.

The correct categorization is a fundamental element not only for a positive experience but also for a high ranking in Google. Product categories are the elements that the search engine first looks for and reads and ranks you based on them. In fact, business categories explain to both the customer and Google exactly what you do and what you sell.

The right and high ranking goes without saying that it generates steady traffic, which of course generates sales.
Having comprehensive subcategories, without additional subcategorization, is a particularly important element in creating a positive shopping experience.

Search points, search bar

The search point is absolutely necessary to be high on the page and with a prominent design, it is a very important element in creating a positive experience in an ehop that sells.

Simple order forms

The simple order form, the easy process of filling it out and the quick checkout mainly shape the positive shopping experience.
It is terribly frustrating for the visitor to want to order and the form asks for a lot of unnecessary personal information, while the process of completing and confirming the order requires many steps. The customer eventually gives up.


In addition to being welcomed by visitors who easily convert into customers by choosing an offer, they are a strong promotional element in eshop sales and create a positive shopping experience because:

⦁ the visitor forms the opinion that the online store has all its products at affordable prices
⦁ the user appreciates the fact that he found the product he was looking for at a bargain price and categorizes in his mind the specific profitable eshop as offering many options, solutions and suggestions, which creates loyalty and return.


It is the highly necessary prompt – instruction to the website visitor to take the action we desire, most often to order the merchandise. They are the words with which the advertising message or product description text ends, and they are the last opportunity to motivate and urge the visitor that the online store has to convert him into a buyer.

Related products

The relevant products make it easier for the customer to choose and compare and help him to confirm the correctness of his final choice.

Wish list

It goes a long way in serving the customer because it helps him a lot in the decision making process. The customer checks and remembers what attracted him, what he found interesting and remarkable and feels that he is proceeding with his choice with greater confidence.

Review, customer comments

Their existence indicates self-confidence, confidence and an open commercial policy on the part of the profitable e-shop.

Frequent questions

The FAQ area in the eshop it sells is a factor in creating a huge positive experience since:

⦁ easily answers the most numerous questions of the visitor,
⦁ creates a clear image for the user about the product he will choose,
⦁ pushes him to buy more easily,
⦁ raises the value of the online store as a point of future choices.

Direct communication

Placing phone numbers in a prominent position is a sure thing in gaining an increased user experience. Providing additional contact information in an accessible and easy-to-find location, such as:

⦁ exact address,
⦁ physical store opening hours (if any)
⦁ online store opening hours
⦁ placement of a simple contact form
⦁ access map
⦁ list of emergency mobile phone,
⦁ contribute to seamless communication and the creation of the highest degree of positive shopping experience.

Order progress update

Sending an order confirmation message, and sending an order loading code reduces the customer’s stress and anxiety and above all confirms the correctness of his choice to trust the particular online store.
It is also the most important factor in returning the customer to the eshop that sells for future purchases, and stabilizes eshop sales as well. It is obvious that it creates a very positive judgment for him about the overall service he received from the company he chose to make his purchase.

Organized product range presentation

The appearance and display in a simple, understandable and functional way of the goods for sale in an eshop that sells, is very important and its impact has a profound effect on the sales through the online store.

The correct presentation of goods in an eshop must be based on the operation and application and provision to the visitor of the default knowledge.
By leveraging the great utility of pre-selected knowledge you can provide the user with valuable commercial information that will make their purchase very easy within your complete eshop and shape a very positive shopping experience. To achieve this:

a). follow a predetermined way of presenting prices and do not change it,
b). implement fixed signage and information placement points,
c). decide whether the name of the products will be Greek or Latin,
d). use a fixed point of placement of an article code written in legible letters,
e). avoid using two or even three codes for the same item,
f). apply consistent coding rule for all products within the online store,
g). you take advantage of the information presentation possibilities that your online store has and try to ensure that the orders, instructions and all the information on all the pages are placed in the same place and for all the items.

Professional merchandise descriptions.

The A and Z of eshop selling is the complete, adequate and documented product description. The factors of creating trust from the customer and obtaining a positive experience are:

⦁ the use of the necessary technical terms in the description,
⦁ writing the correct units of measurement with international terminology,
⦁ the detailed reference of the construction materials with their scientific names.

It is also important that the descriptions of the goods contain the necessary keywords because they are a source of attracting traffic.
The correct presentation and description of the goods in the eshop that sells is completed with drawings and technical descriptions, instructions for use and installation and guarantees.

Professional appearance of merchandise

In a complete eshop, the product photos must be perfect and created:

⦁ by a professional photographer,
⦁ with proper lighting,
⦁ with shots from all sides,
⦁ with the product placed in its operating area,
⦁ using presentation tools (zoom, rotate),
⦁ and using video.

Search filters

The creation of useful and efficient search filters in the eshop that sells is very important because the majority of e-shop users choose with the help of search filters.

The configuration and formatting of the search filters is based on several different factors such as:

⦁ with the dimension,
⦁ the supplier,
⦁ placement,
⦁ construction material,
⦁ the use,

and other parameters, depending on each product, and with everything else the consumer needs to discover the merchandise that suits the use for which it is intended and to choose it.

Inventory update

Discontinued, incomplete, unavailable products must be removed from the e-shop presentation pages because they give a negative image to the customer.
It is necessary to update the dispatcher with the correct stocks of the goods in order to fulfill the most possible orders.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing, internet advertising, is the driving force for attracting visitors and users and the most important factor in generating eshop sales. Electronic advertising with digital marketing packages is also economical. Digital advertising from a digital marketing company can be done in the following forms:

Advertising ad words

It is a factor of generating direct traffic that a new e-shop that sells needs. With careful keyword targeting by an ad word company like we do at Webed, it can be very efficient and not expensive.

Eshop optimization

Optimizing your eshop for specific key keywords is a serious and long-term advertising effort. E commerce seo delivers great traffic over time, when implemented using seo strategies, and continues to attract customers even if you don’t take any other advertising actions and increases eshop sales.

Texts for eshop

The texts for eshop, which will be written on the eshop blog, are the heavy vehicle that will pull and push the sales in an upward direction for years. The responsible and systematic content writing raises and stabilizes the profitable eshop in a high ranking position in the organic results of Google offers the e-shop a dynamic flow of future and potential customers and contributes fundamentally to the success of SEO. The content for an online store is the main reason for the user to stay in the eshop that sells, to gain knowledge and experience, and to form a positive user experience.
In addition, the existence of texts in the profitable eshop reduces the rate of abandonment (bounce rate) and raises the complete eshop higher in the ranking.

Social Media Management

Social media is the daily link and point of contact of a complete e-shop with visitors, users, suppliers and stakeholders. Social media management, presence on social networks with useful content, information about new items and activities prove the potential of electronic sales, confirm mobility in your work, in your development efforts and in your expansion. Social media management companies know how to create the right conditions for your presence, so that social media underlines and confirms your good operation and is helpful in all the advertising steps you plan.

The promotion (Sharing) achieved through social networks of your posts and blog texts is a fundamental factor in creating a wave of visitors to your new e-shop.


The systematic sending of newsletters to registered users with useful and exclusive, if possible, content raises the e-shop that sells in the estimation of your subscribers, leads to direct sales from the e-shop and works multiplyingly.

Advertising on social media

Social media is also an ideal place for eshop promotion on the internet. Part of the huge traffic enjoyed by social media can be transferred to an e-shop with proper promotion through their advertising platforms, while social media advertising is not expensive.

Choice of WooCommerce platform for eshop

The WooCommerce eshop platform is an extension of the popular WordPress website development program. In the version for building an online store, 29% of online stores worldwide work.! Its widespread use is synonymous with its reliability and capabilities. Using the WooCommerce platform to build an eshop is the strong foundation of getting an eshop that sells.!

Correct configuration.

Customization is the work performed and carried out by web developers and aims to transform the WooCommerce platform to the needs and goals of your own online store.

The successful and scientific parameterization is the basis on which the online store will and will all the above necessary functions to create an eshop that sells!.

Sales support functions eshop that sells
Returns Policy

The clear and helpful policy of returns, changes, replacement or immediate refund, is a proof of seriousness and respect for the buying public and necessary for good cooperation with customers. When you decide to build an eshop, the return policy is probably the most important support service to sales and it must be written clearly and comprehensibly.
The returns policy should be mentioned in the following cases:

⦁ return due to defect
⦁ return due to wear and tear during delivery
⦁ return due to withdrawal
⦁ return due to inappropriate use
⦁ return due to wrong shipment

It is important to mention details such as:

⦁ to which address the product is returned
⦁ time limit for returns
⦁ non-returnable items such as exhibition or seasonal items.

The return policy is the most basic criterion for buying from an online store.

Detailed Payment Methods

Listing the payment terms is of prime importance, because it facilitates direct sales, makes the visitor gain trust and bond with the eshop that sells and makes it unimaginably easier for him.

The existence of as many alternative payment methods as possible is unimaginably useful for the consumer and is a purchasing criterion.

Shipping charge and order delivery

You cannot build an eshop without listing the shipping charges and order delivery method, because it is a criterion for customers to buy or not.
The method of charging the transport helps the customer to form a complete picture of the total cost of his order, and not to have doubts and questions.

Alternative delivery methods and delivery details are essential information for the customer to choose the best way to receive their order.


Make all necessary efforts and take all precautions so that your complete e-shop offers payment security and remains immune from viruses and malware.
The level of security offered by an e-shop is one of the first points of control for experienced buyers of an e-shop that sells. It should be known that the provision of security in transactions from the eshop is a key criterion for a user to cooperate and order from an online store.


Creating an eshop that sells is not a random process. It is a constant process in which the features we mentioned above are built and placed one by one and which lead to the final successful result, which is of course the acquisition of a profitable eshop.
As merchants and entrepreneurs you realize that having an efficient e-shop:

⦁ puts you in the center of commercial activity,
⦁ participate in the market in a new way,
⦁ allows you to reach new customers and territories,
⦁ upgrades your business and consolidates its prospects,
⦁ leaves you much more profit.

At Webed, we have the scientific expertise and the specific knowledge to build an eshop that sells for you too! Contact us directly!

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Source: Webed.gr